Thursday 17 December 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (Out Of The Shadows) Trailer Review

They're back! Is it sad that I'm old enough to say I used to watch these guys (minus Megan Fox) when I was a small girl? Damn how time flies. So the gang is back with new villains and a surprise guest and possibly love interest for Megan's character April. As the title suggests these overgrown turtles are coming out to the good people of the city to once again save the day.

While the first few minutes of the trailer are a bit confusing your eyes are caught with the very reminiscent Fast Furious style robbery scene. It's perfect. A squad of synchronised bikers take out a four car detail and then proceed to rob the armoured van. Until they turn on the obnoxious headlights of The Mystery Machine- oh wait it's actually called Tartaruga (Portuguese for turtle).  Oh wait for it ... they play Run DMC's It's Tricky. #WhiteChicksFlashback


The surprise guest is non other than ... Stephen Amell a.k.a Oliver Queen a.k.a Arrow. He dons a very freaky Jason style outfit but it's nothing to be afraid of. His character Casey Jones. Hockey stick weilding, roller blading, badass he's sporting some new moves and his killer smile.

Oh and we have new mutant creatures in the form of a rhinoceros and a hog with purple mohawks! There isn't much else to comment on at this point other than get ready for more kick ass moves and loads of facepalm moments but enough explosions to keep it interesting. 

Give the trailer a view and let us know your thoughts on Twitter. #Cowabunga #TMNT2

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